The principal of maximum efficiency was the most prominent teaching of Sensei Jigoro Kano. He based Judo and all other teachings on this principle. Always remember Sensei Kano developed this principle before Judo so this lies at the core of his success not only in the martial arts but also in life.

We make things far to complicated and always tend to cause more work by either over thinking or creating problems where none existed. This is a sign of having a negative mind set. This does not mean you should not plan for potential problems that could arise in martial arts training or life. The idea is to plan with the principal of maximum efficiency in mind. Plan and stop wondering, once you have a plan use it when the problem presents itself and only then.

I recently found that we tend to be bound by our problems. We fall into our own ‘minds trap’ and this is the hardest to get out off. This trap is the worst as we are cut off from all possibilities and opportunities that surround us every day. You will not be able to see or make use of these opportunities because off you. The principal of maximum efficiency is more important than anyone care to realize but as soon as you implement this principle in all matters the sooner you will reap the benefits.

Reading Sensei Kano’s teachings, it’s becomes clear that his words are direct and should not be analyzed or examined as this would run contrary to the principal of maximum efficiency. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Be direct in approach and do not dwell on past mistakes but improve immediately as a result. I challenge everyone to employ this principle for one week.
Train hard, fight easy and always have fun.


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