Productive waiting, a better use of time.

Waiting, you either like it or are so upset at the human factor causing your current frustration that you don't have the clarity of mind to realize that you are in control of what you do while you are waiting. Time brings me to the point of this little note. How important is your time to you?

Time is worth far more than any monetary currency. You have a limited amount of time to live. Time spent waiting is equivalent to life time wasted. When you wait you are not doing anything to add value, or grow in any way. I am currently waiting on someone. Instead of being consumed by the misery that overthinking can bring on, I am taking this time to write about waiting.

Why write? you might ask. This is a technique I use to help me understand a subject better, and I get to do something I enjoy. What could you be doing when you have no other option but wait? The possibilities are endless, even the act of solving the aforementioned problem is a blessing in itself. While thinking about what you could be doing while you wait you are activating a life altering change in how you will perceive life in the near future.

The fact is you are always in control of your time no matter where you go, or need to go. When you start waiting on anything or anyone remember to take back control of your time. Here is a basic technique you can experiment with. Start breathing slower and deeper and try not to think about any particular subject. You will start feeling relaxed and thoughts will come to mind. You can either let them fade away or take one and do with it what you will. Just keep in mind that positive and negative thoughts will come to mind. Follow the positive or productive thoughts.

This process takes only a few minutes and the more you practice it the better you will get at it. That's it, from there on out its all you. Waiting has more possibilities than you previously imagined.




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