
Understanding the complexity of human behavior

Not an easy subject by any means. Firstly it begins at a molecular level. How your genetics influence your biochemistry and ultimately how these are in turn influenced by your habits. Secondly how your Psychology is influenced by the effects of Sociology on your mental development and the person you ultimately become. A question that always fascinated me is the one of fate or destiny. Was the homeless person siting on the corner living off scraps destined to be there? How about the CEO of a fortune 100 company? Let's put aside the stereotypical answer where the CEO came from a rich family and the homeless person prefers to beg rather than work. My point of view on the subject delivers the following logic. At some point during each one of these peoples lives there was a defining moment that made them what they are today.  Although this is true its an easy answer to a complex situation. Lets set the following control for the homeless man and CEO. They both come from a middle cl...
Omnia Opus (Latin) – All Work (English) This will be the 'calling card' of my new venture. I have learnt so much about myself over the past year, it is unfathomable. I will be giving 110% of myself to the world and I should get a good return on my investment. “People never change”. The person that said that had no idea what life is about or how a person can change if the correct knowledge was gained. The most valuable lesson for me was not only to gain knowledge but how to apply said knowledge. Taking action is the key to life. I know that I am making this sound easy. I can tell you that it is not easy, but possible.

How poor communication regarding work can lead to failure with unexpected outcome

During my career I helped a manager with advice on a newly appointed senior manager lack of business communication skills. This article is from the managers point of view. Dealing with a diverse group of managers with their own unique work ethic and skill set, communication is crucial. It is also important to keep in mind that you are dealing with adults so professionalism is key. In this case a senior manager neglected to do follow up work on a three monthly work schedule issued to a manager. The manager did not see it as a priority because of the senior managers lack of stating that the schedule is broken up into weekly deadlines. The senior manager did follow up work only when the work schedule came up for review two months later and was shocked that the manager did not work on the schedule. The manager claimed that it was not seen as a priority due to poor or no communication regarding the work schedule. The manager thought that one month left to complete the schedule would be mo...
 Nature offering a beautiful view
The principal of maximum efficiency was the most prominent teaching of Sensei Jigoro Kano. He based Judo and all other teachings on this principle. Always remember Sensei Kano developed this principle before Judo so this lies at the core of his success not only in the martial arts but also in life. We make things far to complicated and always tend to cause more work by either over thinking or creating problems where none existed. This is a sign of having a negative mind set. This does not mean you should not plan for potential problems that could arise in martial arts training or life. The idea is to plan with the principal of maximum efficiency in mind. Plan and stop wondering, once you have a plan use it when the problem presents itself and only then. I recently found that we tend to be bound by our problems. We fall into our own ‘minds trap’ and this is the hardest to get out off. This trap is the worst as we are cut off from all possibilities and opportunities that surround u...
'Just minding my own business sitting around and waiting for some feedback on recent writing work done'. 'Could be working on novel right now...' said my cat while I am watching sport on TV. Better get back to writing then.
Flying Sunset