Creatures of Habit

It takes an average of 2 months to form lasting habits. The better the habit, the longer it takes to become an automatic daily action. This rule applies to good habits. "Good" meaning something that you know you should be doing but is too much of a discomfort to do. Bad habits take around 2 weeks to become an automatic daily action. "Why?" you might ask. Because it is something that fits right into comfort zone. You know you should not be doing it as it has no positive lasting effects on your life.

Our habits form us and have control over our lives. Your habits lead to certain friends circles or even business partners.  But habits have a far greater effect on your life then you might think. It has the power to change your brain physically. This in turn means that your perception of the world changes along with it. Where other see opportunity you might see an obstacle. Similar the difference between a fleeting thought and life changing epiphany. How you see these thoughts now and in the future all depends on your state of mind.

Good habits lead to a positive attitude and a open mindset. Bad habits lead to a negative attitude and a closed mindset. Lets look at a common example. After a late night of having a good time with friends you would normally want to sleep the following day and do as little as possible. This also means that you have already decided that any thought you have relating to any form of extra effort would be dismissed immediately. This feeling is more intense if you had a few drinks the previous evening. To get rid of this feeling you either sleep or start the next round on the bad habit cycle to get back to the same feeling you had the previous evening. This leads to depression, not question about it.

The exact opposite would be true if you had a productive but normal evening. Getting to bed at a suitable time and having little or nothing to drink. The following day you would be up early, in a good mood and ready to face any challenge. Now any thought you have would seem like a good idea and this would give you pleasure. Feeling this way would lead to you wanting more of this experience leading to the forming of good habits. But..., hang on a second. What about all the talk of good habits 2 months and bad habits 2 weeks stuff...

Your brain is geared towards survival. This means avoiding any form of pain at any cost. Have you ever heard the expression "it pains me to"? This phrase accurately describes it. Your brain automatically tries to find the easy way out, it is protecting you from pain. Your mind associates difficult action with pain.  Even though this is a survival mechanism, in some cases its does more harm than good. You need to take control of your mind and teach it to serve your purpose.

You are in control even if you do not feel the part. Teach your mind to serve you and only happy days will come your way.

(Picture source: )



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