
Showing posts from April, 2018

Have more than you show, speak less than you know.

Say less than you know but know more than you say. Speech, the verbal word. Your friend, ally or most dreaded enemy. It is believed that our verbal word makes up 7 to 40% of communication with 60 to 90% nonverbal communication attributed to body language and tone of voice. There are several variables to this analyses ranging from age to culture. I want to explain the relation between verbal and nonverbal communication through personal experience. “Have more than you show, speak less than you know.” - William Shakespeare – People judge you by what they see then get to know you by what you say. It’s important to first appeal visually then back it with intelligence. Body language is the ‘show’ part but in many cases the ‘show’ can be misleading. I have met many people that did not match their appearance. I have also met people that were spot on. Now to turn the table and assume an introspective view. Do you match your appearance? When we deal with other people in a relationship or pro...


Overthinking Synonym’s: brood, consider, deliberate, despond, dwell upon, fret, gloom, grieve, lament, languish, meditate, mope, mull over, muse, ponder, reflect, repine, ruminate, sigh, speculate, stew over, sulk, sweat out, sweat over, think about, think upon, worry, focus, peruse, speculate, scan, revolve. ( ) (Mar 7, 2005) Most of the above mentioned words amply describe overthinking. In my opinion it sounds like a therapist describing a person suffering from depression or anxiety disorder. Why? Because in many cases it is. Even though overthinking forms part of the thought process it should not be confused with analytical thinking or problem solving. I like to differentiate between these thoughts by classifying them as positive and negative. Analytical thinking, problem solving and planning all deal with negative subjects but have positive outcomes in mind. Whereas negative thoughts on negativ...

Productive waiting, a better use of time.

Waiting, you either like it or are so upset at the human factor causing your current frustration that you don't have the clarity of mind to realize that you are in control of what you do while you are waiting. Time brings me to the point of this little note. How important is your time to you? Time is worth far more than any monetary currency. You have a limited amount of time to live. Time spent waiting is equivalent to life time wasted. When you wait you are not doing anything to add value, or grow in any way. I am currently waiting on someone. Instead of being consumed by the misery that overthinking can bring on, I am taking this time to write about waiting. Why write? you might ask. This is a technique I use to help me understand a subject better, and I get to do something I enjoy. What could you be doing when you have no other option but wait? The possibilities are endless, even the act of solving the aforementioned problem is a blessing in itself. While thinking abou...