Get more out of your day, live your dreams.

Getting more out of your day should be easy, but see there is that thing called habit. As I previously mentioned in one of my articles, the human brain is designed to find the easiest or least painful way of doing something. You might think "well great, that i exactly what I need". Unfortunately in today's, day and age we can no longer afford to take the easy way out. The easy way normally leads us nowhere in a hurry. We procrastinate, get depressed and anxious about the dreams we have. Unfortunately we are doing this to ourselves by over thinking. The best advice I can give anyone here is not to see your imagined future as a fact. It has not happened yet, so how do you know? I am not referring to future outcomes you have experienced as part of a certain chain of actions resulting from habit. This is pretty much set in stone if you don't take the decisive action to change the habits giving you less than desirable outcomes. Let's look at your dreams. The dr...