How to human and where did you start.

By all means be a unique person That quirky thing you do that makes you, you. Being who you truly are can be defined best by an Eastern philosophy I have come to believe in. It might seems that an outsider is making a judgement call but before we get there consider the following when next you look in the mirror. In Japanese culture, they say you have three faces. The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to close friends and family. The third face, you show to no one. The third face is also the person you truly are. Taking this philosophy into consideration, you cant really show your third face to anyone. Your second face to some and your third face to all. The only thing we can really do is to better understand ourselves first, before sharing with everyone else. What you need to remember before you start "being yourself" is that you are above all a human first. Contrary to popular belief we are all flawed. As a species we are at the dawn off g...